Join the Brooklyn Writers Exchange Group on Facebook
The Booklyn Writers Exchange meets once a week to write and get work done. It helps support our writing practice and can even help with writer’s block. I started this group to help other writers get the support they need. Writing is often thought of as a solitary job, but that’s only part of writing. I’m woking to change that view.
What to Expect From Writing With The Brooklyn Writers Exchange
We meet for an hour of uninterrupted writing every Thursday at 6pm in the Brooklyn Heights Library‘s craft room. (Note, the link to join our FaceBook Group is temporary and will expire, if you need a new one message me.) We start right on time. Once the timer starts, no chatting and we write for 1 hour until the hour is up. If you get there late it’s not a problem. Just grab a seat and start writing.
During the first hour you can write anything you want to, doesn’t have to be for a specific project. No one will see what you’ve written or give you unsolicited advice. Some of us are not professional writers, we just meet up toe journal or do writing as a form of meditation.
What we do is a combination of zen meditation and writing, established by the writer and author, Natalie Goldberg. You can find out more about this in her book: Writing Down the Bones.
After Writing Comes the Exchange Part
Writing can seem like very solitary. Connecting with other writers is a a great way to support your writing practice. Afterwards you’re welcome to chat, take off, or keep writing. We have the room until 7:30p. However, you’ll get the most out of the group if you can stay and visit. You never know who you might meet that will help you bring your writing to the next level. We talk about all different kinds of things in our meetings. We generally don’t have a set agenda and the floor is open for anyone to speak.
If you’re getting started or recommitting to your writing practice check out my recent post: How To Build a sustainable Writing Practice. Please see our facebook group, Brooklyn Writer’s Exchange, for updates on events and other useful information. Hope you see you at our next meeting!

P. A. Harper writes about sustainability in all its many forms, is the founder of the Brooklyn Writer’s Exchange, loves to read, drinks too much tea, and writes fiction.
Hire or stalk her online at PAHarper.com, Goodreads, on Facebook @AuthorPAHarper, Twitter @AuthorPAHarper, or Instagram @P.A.Harper