Here’s my mom’s old Royal Gray Magic Model typewriter. Mom used her when working for the air force back in the 1950’s. This old gal, talking about the typewriter, is from the 1930’s.
This is my origin story. It’s a love story.
My future dad was repairing typewriters in the pentagon. He fixed this one, and liked what he saw. His friend Joe, who was dating my aunt Mildred, set them up on a date; because that’s how it was done back then. Fast forward, I learned to type on this old antique, wrote my first short stories and many poems on her. I still have her, and she still works. 💗 Was love at first sight. #lovestory #typewriter
Below is a page from the original manual. Enjoy!
P. A. Harper writes about sustainability in all its many forms, is the founder of the Brooklyn Writer’s Exchange, loves to read, drinks too much tea, and writes fiction.
Hire or stalk her online at, Goodreads, on Facebook @AuthorPAHarper, Twitter @AuthorPAHarper, or Instagram @P.A.Harper